Get Your Carpet Ready for a Professional Cleaning

Our clients will occasionally inquire as to whether or not there is anything special they need to do in order to make their scheduled carpet cleaning ready. Because we are rather self-sufficient, there is not a great deal that we require you to do in preparation for your cleaning. However, there are several easy steps you can take that will go a long way toward ensuring that your carpet cleaning goes as simply and swiftly as it possibly can. The following is a checklist that will assist you in preparing for a carpet cleaning that you have scheduled.

Make arrangements to get your carpets cleaned on a day when you won’t be needing the space for any other purposes. Because you will want to keep the room off limits for family and guests for at least a couple of hours after the cleaning, it is best if you do not plan to use the room on that day. This is true even if the cleaning crew is scheduled to leave the room after they have finished cleaning it.
Gather the smaller objects. Before the team arrives, you should make a brief sweep of the room and tidy up any loose items. Toys, magazine racks, sit-around, and any other items of similar size should be removed from the room.
Remove breakables. When it comes to the protection of your personal possessions, the trained professionals we employ exercise extreme care and vigilance. When we are utilizing our equipment, we make it a point to pay attention to our immediate environment in order to avoid any accidents. But it is always better to be safe than sorry! Before you have your carpets cleaned, it is important to move any breakable items that might be in the way. For instance, if you have items that are hung on the walls and are fragile, you should move them.
Make sure your canine and feline friends are safe in another part of the house. Although the solutions we use to clean carpets are non-toxic and completely safe for both you and your pets, it is possible for animals like dogs and cats to get in the way while we are working. Another possibility is that they are intimidated by our apparatus. Therefore, it is in your best interest to make sure that your pets are safely contained in another room while the carpet installation crew is working in your home.
Move any bulky furniture that might be in the way. We will move smaller items or furniture that can be slid from one side of the room to another; however, we ask that you remove all heavy items from the room in advance of your scheduled cleaning appointment. Alternatively, for an additional fee, our strapping crew is able to move your heavy furniture for you.
No need to vacuum. It is not required that you vacuum the room before we arrive. As part of the cleaning process, the carpet is given thorough vacuuming.
Get ready to be taken aback! When we’re done here, your carpets are going to have a fantastic appearance. If you have a history of getting weak in the knees when you’re pleasantly surprised, you might want to make sure there’s a chair nearby for you to collapse into.

And that is all there is to it. Everything else will be handled by us!

Now is the time to call the number listed for Green Carpet’s Cleaning Service. In the event that you require assistance from a specialized person. Book a Same Day Carpet Cleaning Santa Clara service.

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