Green Carpets Cleaning

The Advantages of Cleaning When Selling Your Home

Same Day Carpet Cleaning Pico Rivera— A property in a very sought after location was on the market. This property was a two bedded town house. The owner considered that because of its location he would have no trouble selling it and therefore it was not worth time or money in rectifying its defects.

The house had previously been let. The tenants had disappeared in the middle of the night owning several months rent. Rather than re-let the property the owner decided to put it on the market. 12 weeks later and after 50 viewings not a single offer had come in. The agent finally convinced the seller to get the property cleaned up, its only defect!

Judging by what we found in the house the previous tenant had been something of a regular drinker! Much of it was still sticking to the kitchen floor! Also they were firm favourites of fried food as the cooker hob was caked in a thick layer of grease that had overflowed onto the floor and mixed with the beer! All the window frames had a nice line in mould growing on them, and most of the rooms had become an absolute haven for spiders. The bathroom was unmentionable, just leave it disgusting.

So our cleaning service team arrived on a Saturday morning 7.30am, 12 bin liners, two vacuum cleaner bags, 2 litres of descaler, 1 litre of oven cleaner, 1.5 litres of heavy duty degreaser, 3 litres of general purpose cleaner (with bactericidal agents) and 50 cleaning clothes later we were putting the finishing touches to the property (11.15) when the estate agency arrived with a potential purchaser for a viewing.

Now very few houses put on the market are in that category but most could benefit from a good deep clean and who wants to do that before moving out?

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